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When is it appropriate to use a design lounge chair?

05.03.2018 | Offices

Many are the spaces where a design lounge chair would fit into. Design lounge chairs go well in waiting rooms or some zones of a library...even in offices and companies there are spaces where a lounge chair would be welcome. The thing is that sometimes it is hard to make a choice between a chair, an armchair or a lounge chair. So, let's see first what is different about them.

A Chair is defined as a ‘seat with back for one person', an Armchair would be ‘a chair with armrests, sometimes a bit wider and more comfortable', while a Lounge Chair is considered as a ‘chair, with or without  armrests, with a more leant back, gently provided with a padding shell. So, we could say that a lounge chair is more comfortable, while not being an armchair.

Lounge chairs in waiting rooms

Lounge chairs are often placed in waiting rooms: medical waiting rooms (dentist, psychologist,...), in the hotel lobby or in the reception zone of a Company.

hAMMOK Lounge chair
Cortés Marticorena Dental clinic, Pamplona, HAMMOK Lounge chair.


One would not expect to have to wait for long, but we would like to sit comfortably while doing so. A lounge chair will allow to have a relax seating and enjoy reading or listening to music in the meantime.

Lounge chairs in offices

When it comes to work spaces, lounge chairs are part of the company's furniture, not only for the waiting areas, but also they are appropriate for that casual space in which we can hold a meeting. Also, lounge chairs can equip a meeting room or a classroom, where  professional meetings can be organized.

hAMMOK Lounge Chair
IBERCAJA headquarters. Zaragoza, HAMMOK Lounge Chair.


Lounge chairs in culture & education centres

Both, in culture or education centres,  we often find relax areas where to place a design lounge chair. As an example, libraries usually provide a reading zone where lounge chairs will be more comfortable for the public use. On the contrary, working tables would require a chair. Universities, schools, civic centres, museums,....are all examples of facilities that are likely to have a need  of design lounge chairs, mainly for the entrance hall, reception or waiting areas,....

 BACK Lounge Chair
BACK Lounge Chair at State's Public Libray, Segovia.


Lounge chairs for restaurants

In principle, the general idea is that the right furniture for a restaurant, bar or coffee-shop, includes only chairs as seating piece.  Nevertheless, hospitality facilities can also accommodate design lounge chairs. For example, they may go with coffee tables while having a snack or coffee break. A bit of leisure time that will be surely more tasty if we are leant back  on a comfortable lounge chair.

 BACK Lounge Chair
BACK Lounge Chair at Madrid Marriot Auditorium Hotel, Madrid.


At Sellex, we count on a wide range of design lounge chairs which will fit into all these spaces, merging design and comfort. Find the one you need for your facility.

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