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Shall we meet at the Hotel Nobu Warsaw?

11.05.2022 | Hospitality

Warsaw can now boast of having a Nobu Hospitality hotel, the prestigious North American group specializing in luxury hotels and restaurants. It is the first Nobu hotel in the Polish capital which, with an area of 11,800 m2, has 120 rooms with an exquisite interior finish, as well as sports and leisure facilities, and one of its famous Nobu restaurants.

And there is still more. The Hotel Nobu Warsaw is the perfect place to host any type of social or business meeting. It offers more than 500 m² of space for meetings and events as well as four boardrooms.

Surrounded by glass and natural light, the Sakura and Hikari event spaces stand out, fully customizable and with the ability to adapt to the needs and requirements of each celebration. It is precisely in these multifunctional rooms where we can find Sellex furniture, specifically our FAST Table.

FAST is undoubtedly one of our most demanded multipurpose folding tables for events in the hospitality industry, because it allows you to optimize space by being easily disassembled and without the need for tools. The legs and the frame are independent pieces, which makes it possible to generate an infinite number of table configurations with a minimum stock, something very practical in this type of installation.

The FAST Table in an event room at the Hotel Nobu Warsaw (Poland)


The Nobu hotel group has once again placed its trust in this design by Carlos Tíscar (it already did so in the past with the Hotel Nobu Barcelona) by installing a total of 60 FAST Tables of different sizes in its Sakura (266 m2) and Hikari (171 m2) rooms.

These spaces and the chosen furniture allow the celebration of corporate meetings and business events, but also weddings and all their previous and subsequent events, such as engagement parties, welcome receptions, farewell lunches, etc.

Modern meets classic

Hotel Nobu Warsaw is located in the creative heart of the city and occupies two buildings that range between classic and modern. The buildings have a strong architectural contrast, representing the changing landscape of Warsaw, a city in constant evolution.

The most classic part is provided by the Art Deco building that dates back to 1920 and previously housed another hotel, the old Rialto. The most modern part comes from the hand of a new contemporary construction, the result of the collaboration between the architects of Medusa Group and PCH Studio. For its part, the interior design has been the work of Gleeds Studio. The result of this teamwork has been an installation in which the modern meets the classic and vice versa.

In addition, Japanese design is breathed throughout, including the restaurant where visitors can enjoy Nobu's signature style: Japanese dishes with South American influences. A style to which, on this occasion, Polish-inspired dishes created exclusively for Warsaw are added.

For Sellex it is undoubtedly an honour to, once again, be part of a hotel project of this prestigious group created by chef Nobu Matsuhisa, actor Robert De Niro and businessman Meir Teper.

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