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Sustainability at the axis of all Sellex actions

24.03.2021 | Product

The field of sustainability is something that we have always in mind at Sellex and we have been working in this area for some time. In 2009 we wanted to guarantee an Environmental Management System in accordance with all production processes through ISO 14001. Just a few years later, we implemented the UNE-EN ISO 14006 Ecodesign Norm, according to which we committed, among other things, to reduce the consumption of raw materials, using them mostly recyclable, and using production systems that are respectful with the environment.

This was the way we wanted to advance. We have recently added the Range 100/100 to our catalogue, which includes a selection of products from the general range made with 100% recycled and 100% recyclable materials.

The other objective we have set in Sellex has to do with renewable energies. Our goal is that the 30% of the energy consumed in the company has to be renewable and thanks to the photovoltaic panels that we have installed we will achieve this.

Packaging was another pending task that we have solved this year. Now all the bags that pack our products are 100% recycled plastic and the standard cardboard boxes that we use to pack the HANDY Stool are also 100% recycled. The objective is to pack gradually more products with this kind of cardboard.

Finally, we want to highlight the extension of the guarantee of all our products to 5 years that will be applied with the entry into force of the new Price list 2021 (scheduled for the month of April), because we consider that the durability of any product is synonymous with sustainability.

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