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New HANDY Stool version made of 100% recycled polypropylene

20.05.2019 | Product

UNESCO designated 17th of May as the Recycling International Day. That’s why we are happy to present precisely on this month the new version of HANDY Stool manufactured with 100% recycled polypropylene.

Sellex is a company committed to eco-design and environment. For years Sellex already had environment and eco-design certifications (environmental - ISO-14001: 2015 - since 2009 and eco-design - ISO-14006: 2011 - since 2012).

But we want to take a step forward in our commitment to sustainability and after working with pioneer companies at European level of polypropylene recycling, we can say that the new version of HANDY Stool made of 100% recycled polypropylene is available.

We are aware that we do not solve the problem, but we are sure that this type of actions help to improve the situation.

HANDY < + Info... >

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