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HAMMOK, the chair that ‘rocks you’

09.04.2018 | Product

HAMMOK chair series, designed by Burkhard Vogtherr, arrived a decade ago and meant  a revolution in the seating industry. Its launch back in 2006, was  definetely something different. It seems yet very close  when we introduced HAMMOK series at ORGATEC Fair, in Cologne. It caused a great expectation! And the reason was not least.So far, most of the existing chairs in the market were rigid, but HAMMOK provided an innovative feature: a soft and ergonomic frame designed to be a sole piece with the seat, applying a rocking movement when sitting on it.

hAMMOK Chair Series


HAMMOK Chair series counts on three versions and a forth one  being  a lounge model.

Basic Chair

The Basic Chair, with or without armrests, is base don a successful combination of a wooden Shell and a  bent  rod  frame in stainless  or painted Steel. So,  shell and rod become a single structure, which provides the chair with the rocking movement in all the models. Both, shell and armrests can be in natural, stained, lacquered or upholstered Wood.

Dinner Chair

HAMMOK Dinner chair, as its name states, is a suitable product for restaurants, bistrots or coffee-shops. This seating combines the  HAMMOK's shell doted with a more straight back, upholstered with a frame in Steel rod, painted or in stainless Steel. It's a light chair but at the same time rigid enabling different applications.

Cantilever Chair

The Cantilever version , is thought for working  environments: as office chair, workspaces, libraries,...the combination of the shell with an stainless Steel frame and armrests ad dan extraordinary comfort to this chair. Shell is available in natural, stained or lacquered beechwood.

HAMMOK Lounge chair

HAMMOK series is completed with  this version provided with a wider shell , an upholstered front (30cm thick) in different fabrics and wooden armrests supports. The outcome is a design lounge chair so comfortable that it has positionned as seating In the waiting areas of any kind of facility: either a doctor's consult place, a hotel lobby or a Reading room at a library.

In summary, HAMMOK series is a  four-model  family, similar but differents. Each one with its own purpose  (restaurants, offices or waiting rooms), but with a unique pecualirity: they ‘ rock you' in order to provide comfort.

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