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How hotel furniture should be

25.01.2018 | Hospitality

Choosing the hotel furniture desing is quite a job and demands having to think about the furniture in different room spaces in the same facility. No matters if we are facing a large hotel resort or a small one. Anyone, regardless its dimension, will have different zones which require a concrete hotel furniture type: reception, multi-purpose rooms, dining-room....and above all, bedrooms.

Let's look carefully at each of the room spaces and what the hotel furniture needs are.

Hotel bedroom furniture

Undoubtedly, the main issue when time comes to equip a hotel is to choose the suitable hotel bedroom furniture. Room size is to be considered, as well as they type of guest expected at the hotel. At Sellex, we offer a  folding bed and bunkbeds system which solve the question at hotels, hostels and residences bedrooms. We talk about LA LITERAL series, a design of Lievore Altherr Molina. This LA LITERAL model can be found at hostels bedrooms such as DAN HOSTEL in Kopenhagen (Denmark), but also as a part of the bedroom equipment at smaller hotels. Such is the case of Petit Palace hotel chain that has trusted our LA LITERAL beds program for many of their 3 and 5 stars hotels in Madrid, Malaga, Barcelone, Seville, or Valence.



LA LITERAL folding beds and bunkbeds allow space saving as they hardly take 30cm depth when closed, that's to say even less than a chairs does.

Above said, a hotel can count on double, triple, quadruple, quintuple or  even more, bedrooms. While at hostels, LA LITERAL gives the chance to have 12 people accommodated in 24m2 space.

Multi-purpose hotel room furniture

Besides bedrooms, hotels and hostels usually count on multi-purpose spaces in which different kind of events may take place: a working meeting, a seminar, a book's presentation, a musical act and so on...Thus, a multi-purpose room at a hotel should need a multi-purpose hotel room furniture too. FAST Table, designed by Carlos Tíscar, is just a good example of the type of hotel furniture these spaces require. It is a folding and knock-down table which allows to use different size and shape tops with the same frame, and have the chance to make the table composition required at each event.

 FAST Table
FAST Table


Relaxing at the hotel

Other hotel spaces are aimed just to relax: a Reading room, a lobby where to quietly wait...Hotel furniture models known as ‘lounge chairs' are very suitable for these relaxing areas, meaning low seatings like our models BACK, STILL or HAMMOK, all designed by Burkhard Vogtherr. Also VALERI lounge chair or SLAM, both a design of Lievore Altherr Molina, are ideal for this type of hotel spaces

Whereas the type of table suitable for a hotel  lobby or chill-out area, the best choice are auxiliary tables. At Sellex, we offer two designs which fit finely into these spaces:EKER Table, designed by Lievore Altherr Molina and MIX Table, by O.T.S.

hAMMOK lounge chair
HAMMOK lounge chair


Tables and chairs for the bar-restaurant of our hotel

Almost all hotels and hostels have a bar or restaurant. For this purpose, we will need a furniture suitable for hospitality, which means a good design easy to maintain.

We will be able to cover all needs with our versatile SLAM chairs program (Lievore Altherr Molina) and the new barstool series, SET by Mario Ruiz, which combines with ZUBI High Tables, by Abad Diseño.

 SET Stool
SET Stool


A complete hotel furniture design

Beds for the rooms; comfortable seats for rest areas; polyvalent furniture for the salons; and hospitality tables and chairs for the restaurant. At first, this is all a hotel complex or a little hotel need to be equipped.

Maybe a shelving is missing in a reading zone. ¡No problem! Anyone of our library programs, such as JAKIN (Abad Diseño) or KUBRIK (Item Diseño) can be used as hotel furniture. Or also one of our shelving-units: HANKA, T-99 or ZUMM.

And finally, we are almost there concerning the hotel furniture design. Any other furniture your hotel may need?

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