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Customized Furniture, custom-made products

23.05.2018 | Product


Finding the right furniture for a large facility is not an easy thing. Seatings for a sports hall, shelving-units for a library, benches for a cruise terminal....... As far as the design is concerned, we may find suitable furniture but not meeting with the requirements of the space or viceverse...At Sellex, we know that every project is different and has specific needs. So, we are always ready to fulfill with those requirements by adapting our products to the installation. This means, producing customized furniture, a custom-made product.

If  we were to highlight an installation, that would be Sports Pavilion in Huesca (Spain) for being our first large custom-made installation carried out back in 1992. It was projected by Architect Enric Miralles who also designed the seating equipment. That's how VACANTE bench was born, and we adapted it and produced as stadium seating.

The Scottish Parlament was another chance to work with Enric Miralles' Architecture Studio, EMBT, as they designed NEN Chair to equip the visitors tribunes at the Parlament and Sellex collaborated in creating and manufacturing the seating. This model was also adequated for the prestigious ‘Círculo de Lectores' in Madrid and for Vigo University.

 Scottish Parliament, NEN Chair
Scottish Parliament, NEN Chair


Furniture customization may be done in different ways. Sometimes, special dimensions are requested, as it was the case of TGI (High Court) in Lorient (France), where we had to produce a 15meters long AERO Bench. Or it may happen that the facilitiy needs some specific finishes, as in the proyect of Legoland Resort, Denmark, where LA LITERAL bunk bed was adapted and executed with the finishes to match the hotel designing style.

There is no need to be a large proyect in order to have customized furniture. It can also be done in smaller installations which require some modifications. In 2015, as an example, we had to customize BILDU Modular seating for Healthcare center of Buztintxuri (Spain), by providing special paddings and dimensiones to meet the architects' requirements.

‘Custom-made' products is something that we often do and find it necessary in order to carry out singular projects which have their own peculiarities and therefore need adapted furniture.

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