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When the whole Tokyo is a design and art museum

11.11.2019 | Product

Every autumn and for 10 days the whole city of Tokyo (Japan) becomes a design and art museum. It is called DESIGNART TOKYO.

2019 has been the first year in which the ICEX Spain Trade and Investment and the Economic and Commercial Office of the Embassy of Spain in Japan participated in the event. For that purpose they collaborated closely with the design team of Taisei Corporation, one of the five largest global Japanese construction companies, with various architectural and civil engineering works in Japan and international market.

The objective was clear: to seek the beauty created by the combination of Spanish interior products of reference and the space.

HIKARI no SHITSURAE: Spanish interior with light and Japanese style

The Embassy of Spain in Japan hosted the HIKARI no SHITSURAE exhibition, not in vain the sunlight of the exhibition hall creates a unique atmosphere. 'Light and shadow' was the motto of the exhibition, two common subjects both in Spanish and Japanese culture.

The design furniture and other interior products were placed to produce a unique harmony with the lighting and the Japanese space. The designer Ramón Esteve and the curator Taisei took part in the events of this exhibition that was held from the 23rd to the 27th of October.


Sellex products in Exhibition in Japan

Sellex products in Exhibition in Japan


Sellex was honoured to participate with the following products:


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