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SLAM Chair and Beam Seating at DELTA Hospital, belonging to CHIREC Hospital Group

21.02.2018 | Health

DELTA Hospital in Auderghem (Belgium), which belongs to CHIREC Hospital Group, has been furnished with SLAM Chairs and Beam Seatings, a design of Lievore Alther Molina.

Works have taken 7 years, and DELTA Hospital opened its doors at the beginning of december, however the official inauguration took place at the end of january. So, the whole Project has taken 8 years, not at all a very long time if we consider the size and complex of the facility.

 SLAM Chairs and Beam Seatings
SLAM Chairs and Beam Seatings at DELTA Hospital.


Figures speak by themselves: 544 operative beds (expecting to reach 750), more than 100.000 sqm, roundabout 2.000 seating untis and an investment of 220 million euros aproximately. In summary, DELTA Hospital construction, managed by ASSAR Architecture Studio, is one of the largest hospital facilities carried out in Belgium in the last years.

Sellex has participated in this Project with SLAM Chairs and Beam Seatings program, placing more than 2.000 seaters requested by the hospital. ASSAR architects have been in charge of projecting the new hospital and from the beginning, they were pretty sure that SLAM chairs and Beam Seatings had to be part of the building equipment. They knew SLAM Beam Seating design and they loved it, not only fot  its beautiful looking but for the possibility to include other SLAM family members with the same aesthetic.

 SLAM Chairs and Beam Seatings
SLAM Chairs and Beam Seatings at DELTA Hospital.


Together with SLAM Chairs program, at Sellex we count on a wide range of seatings ideal for waiting areas in hospitals and medical centres, properly designed to make your wait more comfortable, providing ergonomics but also quality materials.

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