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VACANTE as a waiting bench in the Lima metro

11.06.2024 | Terminals

Line 2 of the Lima metro (Peru) crosses the capital from east to west for 27 kilometres and has 27 stations, 28 ventilation shafts and emergency exits, a workshop patio and 35 trains. And it moves around 660,000 passengers a day, with a horizon demand of more than one million per day. 

Given these data, the main concern when equipping their stations was the durability of the furniture. Since we are in a facility through which thousands and thousands of passengers pass daily, it was essential that the material be resistant without losing the aesthetics of a good design. That is why the VACANTE Bench, designed by Enric Miralles, was perfect. Timeless lines, a unique design and made of a material that guarantees the durability of the seat, stainless steel.  

This is how 88 VACANTE 00 Benches with 4 seaters and with floor fixing at the ends were installed on line 2 of the Lima metro. 

Likewise, the team responsible for the project recognized that our firm conveyed “confidence” and the assurance that in the event of any problem that may arise, Sellex would provide a prompt response to move the project forward. And they were not wrong, if there is something that defines us, it is commitment and we get involved in each project, making it almost our own.  

A robust and versatile waiting bench 

Robustness and versatility are the two most notable characteristics of VACANTE, an ideal bench for all types of passenger terminals. VACANTE has been welcoming passengers from all over the world for years who arrive at their destination by plane, train, bus or even boat. But where we see this design most frequently is in train stations, such as Coina in Portugal, and in bus stations, such as Ourense or the Bilbao intermodal station. Without forgetting the metro stations, since in addition to Line 2 of the Lima metro, this waiting bench also appears in the Brussels metro (Belgium). 

VACANTE is available in different sizes, from 2 to 6 seaters, and offers two placement options: selfstanding or floor fixing

As far as materials are concerned, the options offered by the VACANTE Bench family are painted steel, wood and – upon request – stainless steel.  Although, in the case of passenger terminals, steel - either painted or stainless - is the most common since, being such a resistant material, it is hardly necessary to invest in maintenance. Without a doubt, the Lima metro chose the robust and versatile bench it needed. 

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