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SLAM Beam seating, a piece aesthetically different

29.09.2017 | Product

Should we have to highlight something about SLAM chairs and beam seating, designed by Lievore Altherr Molina , that would be its versatility. It is a system based on the combination of shells and frames which enables each piece adapting to the facility's needs by keeping a unique aesthetic. Thus, we will find SLAM chairs at small workplaces but  also in offices or meeting rooms, as well as benches and SLAM beam seatings in large installations like airports, terminals, hospitals and funeral houses.

By the way, SLAM beam seating was the last piece to join SLAM series, after having noticed that our customers were searching for the same design and confort of SLAM chair to cover other needs in waiting areas. It was at this point that the designers team of the studio Lievore Altherr Molina set to work and this new piece came  out.

Benches and SLAM Beam seating
Benches and SLAM Beam seating


SLAM beam seating follows the track of the SLAM chair. Shells seem to ‘float' over the aluminim structure . The program allows to include armrests (also in aluminium) and in-between or end-side tables,  providing a wide range of possibilities.

SLAM beam seating can also be proud of being a winner design, as it was awarded with ‘Best of Neocon-Editor's Choice' Award in 2013, during the celebration of  Neocon Fair in Chicago(EE UU)

Where can you find the benches and SLAM Beam seating?

There are a few hospitals and healthcare centers that have decided to have SLAM beam seating  to furnish their waiting areas. Among them, we can remark  Tívoli University Hospital Center , located in the belgiam city of Louvière, or Urduliz Hospital, in Bizkaia, as well as other smaller healthcare centers in Vitoria-Gasteiz (Zabalgna and Salburua).

SLAM beam seating at the Tivoli’s  University Hospital Centre (CHU),  La Louvière (Belgium)
Tívoli Installation of the SLAM beam seating at Tívoli’s Hospital


But not only healthcare centers have trusted our SLAM program, the Family Court House in Philadelphia (EE UU) and San José Funeral Home in Burgos, have also counted on SLAM beam seating for their facilities.

SLAM Beam seating is available in two, three and up to four seaters, with or without tables. It is up to each project to have the length of the bench that may best suit the space to be equipped. In this way, we achieve one of our targets at Sellex, that design can merge  finelly at whatever the space.

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