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Copenhagen Airport, example of Nordic functionalism

10.10.2018 | Airports

It is necessary to move to the 30s to relive the inauguration of what, at that time, was considered one of the best examples of Nordic functionalism. We refer to the Copenhagen Airport, whose construction was in charge of the architect Vilhelm Lauritzen.

Its full name is Copenhagen-Kastrup Airport, maintaining the name of the municipality to which it originally belonged, Kastrup, which by the way is very close to the center of the Danish capital, just 8 km away.

Several awards guarantee it as one of the most important airports in Europe and the world. Forbes Magazine included it in its list of the 'Ten best living rooms in the world' An award that is an honor for us considering that passengers who pass through this terminal every day sit at the AERO Bench, one of our seats for airports.

The arrival of AERO Bench

 The AERO aluminum Bench at the Copenhagen Airport .
AERO Aluminum Bench at the Copenhagen Airport.


It was in 2007 when the first AERO benches were placed at the Copenhagen-Kastrup Airport and in 2015 others arrived. In total 75 aluminum benches with polyurethane pad

The AERO aluminum Bench, designed by Lievore Altherr Molina, can reach a length of up to 4.35 meters on two legs (or up to 5.50 meters with three legs). That is the proof that AERO Bench is a combination of minimalism, lightness, elegance, comfort and robustness. All based on striated aluminum profiles, which are projected as the wing of an airplane.

Some of the benches that receive passengers from Copenhagen Airport are placed back-to-back with a fixed separation position. This is achieved thanks to one of the various accessories that are offered such as the bench separation piece.

In short, a bench very suitable for airports and also valid for other types of passenger terminals.

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